The Office Living Room: Why Prioritize It?

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There are plenty of essential amenities inside the office. Some examples are the pantry, the bathroom, and the breakroom.

The office pantry is a must-have for any workplace. It’s the perfect place to store food and drinks, and it also offers a convenient place to eat lunch. The office bathroom is another essential amenity. Employees need to have a place to freshen up and use the restroom. The office breakroom is another vital space in the workplace. It’s a great place to take a break, relax, and chat with coworkers. However, another office area should belong in the same conversation as those three: the living room.

Why is the office living room essential? Well, it’s the perfect place for employees to relax and unwind. It’s a great place to watch TV, read a book, or relax. Plus, it’s an excellent place for employees to socialize and network with coworkers. It will be necessary to dedicate funds to those areas, and you can achieve it by focusing on these aspects.

Comfortable Furniture

The first step is to invest in comfortable furniture. After all, you want your employees to enjoy spending time in the living room. The list of those office items includes:

  • A comfy couch or sofa
  • A coffee table
  • Some end tables
  • A few extra chairs

You don’t need to go overboard with the furniture. Just make sure it’s comfortable and stylish. It should also be easy to clean to keep the living room looking its best. However, you might not want to overstuff the area with furniture. You want your employees to have enough space to move around and relax.

In addition to comfortable furniture, you should also invest in some fun office decor. This addition will help liven up the living room and make it more inviting. Some ideas include posters and pictures.

Making the Living Room Inviting

Once you have the furniture in place, it’s time to make the living room inviting. The atmosphere will dictate if your employees want to hang out in the area or decide to pass by. As a result, you might have to invest in a few things you typically find in a comfortable home living room. Here are a few things you should consider.

  • Adding some greenery
  • Hanging artwork on the walls
  • Adding a few Throw pillows

The office living room needs some greenery because it can help improve the atmosphere. Plants can help enhance air quality and add a splash of color to the room. As a result, employees will be more likely to spend time in the living room if it is complete with plants.

The office living room should have artwork on the walls because it can help improve the atmosphere. Painting can help to brighten up a space and add personality. As a result, employees will be more likely to spend time in the living room if it is complete with artwork.

Adding throw pillows to the office living room is a great way to add comfort and style. They make the furniture more comfortable to sit on, but they also add a pop of color to the space. As a result, employees will be more likely to spend time in the living room if it is complete with comfortable and stylish throw pillows.

Including the Right Technology

Employees gathered in the office reception

The office living room also needs to include the right technology. After all, you want employees to be able to relax and unwind in the space. The list of those office items includes:

  • A TV
  • An entertainment system
  • A sound system

You don’t need to go overboard with the technology. Just make sure it’s up-to-date and easy to use. The TV should be the right size for the space, and the entertainment system should be user-friendly. It might not be ideal for the gaming console to be in the living room. After all, customers and clients might enter those areas. Fortunately, you can set those devices in the breakroom instead.

Office Branding

Of course, the office living room should be full of company branding materials. After all, it’s a space for employees to relax and unwind. The list of those office items includes:

  • A coffee table book
  • Some framed company photos
  • A company-branded throw pillow
  • Company logo and name signages
  • Branding colors

You don’t need to go overboard with the branding. Just make sure it’s tasteful and subtle. The coffee table book should be full of company information, and the framed photos should be of the office or employees. The throw pillow can contain the company logo, and the signages should be prominent.

Making It Happen

Investing in an office living room is a great way to improve the workplace. After all, it’s a space for employees to relax and unwind. Plus, it’s an excellent place for employees to socialize and network with coworkers. It will be necessary to dedicate funds to those areas, and you can achieve it by focusing on these aspects.