Living Alone? How to Protect Yourself

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Living alone can be an exciting time in life. You get to make all the decisions without compromising with anyone else! However, it also means you are alone when facing the risks and threats you might encounter. Many first-time homeowners face this dilemma. Unfortunately, security is a massive investment you might have to build slowly. As a result, your home might be prone to thieves, explicitly targeting a property with weak security.

Investing in security will be essential to your home, but there are a few things you can do to make your home less of a target for thieves. Here are a few tips on protecting your home when living alone.

Home Security System

When living alone, taking advantage of your home’s advanced security features is essential. A home security system can provide peace of mind, knowing that you and your property are safe and secure. With a home security system in place, you can rest assured that you will deter any would-be burglars from attempting to break into your home.

The system includes security cameras, providing an extra pair of eyes to watch out for lurking thieves. In some cases, the footage can be evidence to help identify and apprehend the criminals.

In addition to security cameras, a home security system also includes an alarm system. It will make it more difficult for thieves to break into your home without being detected. The loud noise the alarm produces will scare away potential burglars and notify your neighbors that something is amiss.

Fortunately, you can partner with US Protective Services to get the complete package. The company can provide smart security systems to ensure maximum protection for your residential property. Investing in a home security system is one of the best ways to protect your property and keep yourself safe when living alone.

Reinforced Entry Points

Thieves, or any threat, will look for entry points when trying to attack a home. The list includes doors, windows, chutes, or any hole that could get them inside your property. The best way to protect your home is by reinforcing all entry points, making it much more difficult for thieves to break in.

One of the most common entry points for thieves is through the front door. It’s essential to ensure that your front door is made of solid wood or metal and reinforced with a deadbolt lock. The deadbolt should be at least one inch thick and have a minimum of three screws holding it in place.

Another entry point that thieves often exploit is windows. You should ensure that all windows are locked at all times, even when you’re home. If possible, invest in window bars or grilles to reinforce the glass and make it more difficult for criminals to break through.

Proper Lighting

A well-lit home for protection

Another way to protect your home is by ensuring that it is well-lit. Thieves will often target a home that is dark and hidden from view. Keeping your property well-lit can deter any would-be burglars from attempting to break in.

You should install motion sensor lights around the perimeter of your property. These lights will turn on automatically when someone approaches, making it more difficult for criminals to operate without being detected.

In addition to motion sensor lights, you should keep your home’s interior well-lit. Thieves will be less likely to target a brightly lit home as they will be more visible to neighbors and passersby.

Emergency Routes or Safety Areas

When living alone, it’s crucial to identify escape routes in an emergency. If thieves manage to break into your home, you will need to be able to get out quickly and safely.

Identifying safe areas in your home can help you stay calm during a break-in. If you know where to go, you can avoid confrontation with the thief and make your way to safety.

Your safest area in the home will likely be the bathroom, which often has a locked door. Make sure that these rooms are easily accessible and free of clutter. If possible, keep a phone within reach so you can call for help. If push comes to shove, it is essential to learn self-defense methods.

A plan for getting out of the home in an emergency is also essential. Make sure that all your doors and windows are easy to open and that there is a clear path to the exit. If possible, keep a key outside the home so that you can escape if needed.

Having an emergency plan and safe areas in your home can help keep you safe when living alone.


Living alone can be scary, but there are ways to protect yourself. By reinforcing entry points, keeping your property well-lit, and having an emergency plan, you can deter burglars and keep yourself safe.