Trends in Orthodontics to Make Your Practice a Success

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The dental industry is experiencing a massive change because of new technologies dominating the sector. It seems that there is no year when the practice is further improved through the use of new and innovative technologies. Keeping up with these trends is essential if you want to be successful.

The field of orthodontics is becoming ever-more crucial in the dental industry. As cosmetic surgeries are on the rise, orthodontics is growing as well. However, certain people who practice this field are left behind because they are unaware of the changes in the sector. This article will cover some of the most prominent trends in orthodontics. The first trend we will be tackling is 3D printing.

3D printing

If you haven’t heard of 3D printing, then you’re missing out a lot. 3D printing is the new craze in orthodontics because it can make your job a lot easier, faster, and profitable. In addition, it’s beneficial for your clients because it makes your services cheaper.

During the start of 3D printing, not many dental professionals bat an eye. However, as it has become a lot more efficient during the past decade, it has become a stable technology in dental offices. In the field of orthodontics, it makes the production of brackets, and braces, a lot cheaper and faster to produce. Among these, tooth implants are essential because they make the procedure more affordable. Moreover, it reduces the waiting time for the process because 3D printers can print the products a lot faster.

Don’t miss out on 3D printing. Ensure that you invest in this trend right now, get your 3D printer. Trust us. It’s a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Invisible Braces
clear aligners being held into an bright enviroment

Many braces today utilize heavy and metallic brackets for teeth correction. We don’t have to tell you this, but they are very uncomfortable for clients, and in some instances, they are painful.

You can’t count on two hands the number of clients that have complained about the appearance and discomfort of conventional braces. It’s a way too-common problem that orthodontists have to face. Thankfully, orthodontic research regarding invisible and self-litigating braces has proved fruitful throughout the years.

These braces are created from 3D printers, although some orthodontists create these by hand. Invisible braces, also known as clear aligners, reduce the need for metallic brackets. Additionally, they remove the unattractive looks of conventional braces. They are also easy to remove, but this depends on your orthodontist’s suggestion.

Invisible braces are taking the orthodontic market by storm. However, it has a close competition, lingual braces.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are technically braces, but they are fixed on the back of your teeth instead of the front. Some lingual braces use the same components as traditional braces, but more complex and expensive ones utilize fewer metals and more plastics for reduced discomfort.

Unlike clear aligners, which still have some metals embedded in their plastic body, lingual braces are completely invisible from the front. So if your clients are looking for more attractive options than clear aligners, then lingual braces are for them. But you do have to tell them that lingual braces aren’t for everyone.

For example, people with an overbite can’t have lingual braces because they will be severely uncomfortable. Moreover, lingual braces are far more expensive. Nonetheless, this should be a service you should offer because its need will grow in the coming years.

Copper Titanium for Wires

Many orthodontists are making switches from stainless steel wires to copper titanium wires for their aligners. It’s because copper titanium is becoming more affordable, and they are far resilient than stainless steel wires.

For the past two decades, stainless steel wires have been the primary choice for orthodontists. However, studies regarding copper titanium for aligners have grown, and these studies have shown that they are far more resilient and more flexible than stainless steel wires. So even if they are more expensive, they are the better choice for clients who will be wearing aligners for more extended periods.

Digital Impressions

It’s time to get rid of those uncomfortable molds and go for digital impressions instead. They are far cheaper, easier to produce, and more comfortable for your clients.

Traditional impressions require you to put dental molds on your client’s teeth which can be severely uncomfortable. However, digital impressions are now a far better option because of new technologies. It doesn’t require the intrusive and uncomfortable method of traditional impressions, and they are also faster and cheaper to do.

If you want to be successful in the field of orthodontics, make sure you have these trends on the ready. It will ensure that your practice will be a success in the future.