Routines That You Can Cut If You’re Trying to Save Money

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“You only live once” or commonly known as YOLO. That’s a motto most young adults of today live by. You may have also adopted the motto into your lifestyle. It’s fun to be carefree cause sometimes, you think it’s the only way to live your life.

However, living by this millennial slogan may affect some important aspects of living. One concerning aspect is someone’s spending habits. While enjoying the rarest things in life is okay, leaving it uncontrolled may hurt your pocket. If you’re already experiencing hints of money shortage, you may need to reassess your spending habits.

To help you with that, we’ve listed some things that you may need to tone down a little. These routines may be causing you to spend more than what you’re supposed to. Here are a few of those you may need to cut down to save money.

Daily coffee
an expresso machine pulling coffee

You may think that your Starbucks habit may be saving you time. Effortless coffee consumption makes you think that spending $2-$3 a day is worth it. Takeout coffee indeed is one of the best things people have invented. Imagine having to grab your favorite beverage before going to work. Doing that instead of making coffee for yourself is a time saver. However, this mindset may not be practical at all. Reports say that this habit can cost a person a little over $1,000 every year.

Maybe you’re spending more than that on coffee. There are times when you crave more caffeine, and you can’t help but to buy another cup. If you’re trying to save money, you may want to minimize this habit or get rid of it. What you can do is spend a little more time making your own coffee at home. It’s not going to take too much of your time in the first place. You’re going to save a ton if you introduce yourself to this new hobby of coffee making.

Skincare haul

It’s understandable to prioritize beauty and health. But what if you’re overdoing it? There are instances when you’re trying new skincare products. You use them only to end up throwing them in the trash because they’re ineffective. Or sometimes, you like to buy expensive skincare products because you love applying them. You also think that the pricier the product, the better it works.

But these can only make you lose money. You need to stop investing in products that aren’t clinically proven. Aside from overspending, these products may even send you to an urgent care clinic because of injury. Talk to a dermatologist to see which products will work for you. Expensive beauty products may feel good on your skin. But trust us, there are cheaper alternatives that you can consider “hidden gems.” You should be hunting for those treasures instead.

Streaming subscriptions

It’s nice to be always up to date on TV shows. Binge-watching could be your stress reliever. But it may cause you more stress if you find out that you’re spending too much on streaming subscriptions. Capitalism isn’t perfect. This is why you’re subscribed to two or three streaming services. But there are times you’re only subscribed to a streaming service because of one or two exclusive shows.

It’s time to make up your mind and unsubscribe to the service you seldom use. If there’s a show or film that’s only available to the service you canceled, find another way to see it. Ask friends if you can watch these shows in their homes if your friend is into the show too. Or sign up for a free trial using a new email address. You’re just watching one show anyway and not the streaming platform’s whole catalog.

Excessive clothes shopping

Shopping for clothes can be addictive. These fast-fashion brands are so good at marketing. They can make you buy a lot in that one instance you decided to visit them. It can be hard to admit, but you may be developing an unhealthy habit of hoarding clothes you can’t wear. Aside from this, you may also be contributing to the worsening problem of textile waste.

Try to limit the clothes you buy. Doing that would help you with your budget and the environment. Learn how to repurpose unused clothes instead of buying new ones. There’s a lot of resources online that you can explore.

Food discovery

As a human, you always crave gastronomical adventures. Trying out foods your taste buds haven’t experienced yet is one of the greatest joys you could have. This can cost you a lot, leaving nothing for your savings. Food Network cited a study that reveals millennials’ eating habits.

The research found out that not only do millennials eat out more than non-millennials, they also spend more because of this habit. If you’re a part of this working-class, you may need to reduce eating out. Just like coffee, you can prepare food in the comfort of your home.

Learn to do exquisite dishes by following cookbooks or watching tutorials on YouTube. Do meal prep if you’re too busy to cook food during weekdays. Allot time during your off days for doing your meal prep. Not only can it save you money, but it’ll also be a big help in saving time and effort when you’re focusing on work.

There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself every once in a while. You have to make sure that you’re not living beyond what you’re earning. Saving money for your future is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Forget social media pressure and focus on what you like when you grow older.