The Struggles of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom and Getting Through Them

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Being an organized stay-at-home mom can be challenging, especially if you’re juggling a host of responsibilities and goals on top of it all. Between the needs of your kids, your other obligations, and running errands, staying organized can often fall to the wayside.

Being a stay-at-home mom can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Still, it can also be difficult to balance your family and household responsibilities with your need to maintain a social life and exercise routine. From cleaning the house to grocery shopping to planning meals, the list of things to do can be overwhelming, but with these eight tips, you’ll be able to stay on top of your tasks without sacrificing your sanity in the process.

Prioritize What Needs to Be Done

You’re going to want to take care of certain things before others because otherwise, everything will be neglected. Some tasks—like laundry and dishes—need to happen regularly for your family and home to function well. Others are just nice-to-dos that you could put off until later. It might seem overwhelming to prioritize it all, but if you figure out what must be done first, then break it down into smaller pieces from there.

Always Make a List of Things to Do

If you leave your home, always make a list of things you need to do when you get back. That way, you’ll never forget anything, and it will be easier for you to tackle tasks one by one. When packing lunches or snacks, grab a Sharpie and mark each item on your list with a big X as soon as it is packed. It will keep you organized so that nothing gets left behind. Also, carry around a notebook just in case there are other items you need to remember later in the day. Keeping track of what needs to be done is key!

Prepare Their Food the Night Before

If you’re taking care of your children on your own, one of the things that can help is to prepare meals for them and freeze them beforehand. This will keep you from having to think about what you’re going to cook for dinner when you get home from work. If possible, prepare a few days’ worth of food and freeze it ahead of time. You can do other tasks while it defrosts, and then you heat it in a microwave or stovetop oven.

Establish a Routine With Your Kids

How do you get your kids out of bed in time for school every morning? Are they able to make it from their pajamas, through their morning routine, and out of the house on time every day? The key is establishing a routine that works. Have your kids help set up a schedule so that they’re invested in helping you meet your goals. The more involved they are in creating a routine, the easier it will be for everyone!

Ensure Their Safety at All Times

No matter how busy you are, always be sure your children are safe. When your kids play outside or in a park, ensure you accompany them. Be aware of each child’s whereabouts at all times and make them memorize your contact information in case of an emergency. Not only that, but always remember to lock your doors and windows at home. Avoid leaving objects that may harm them.

Not all moms remember to do this, but if you’re driving and you drop your kids off at school, make sure your car is well maintained. Avoiding having a faulty engine or a dead battery will help prevent accidents. Also, pay for a windshield replacement service every now and then to ensure that there are no cracks on the windshield that may distract you while driving. As much as possible, park in areas where security guards are present so that you can call for assistance should an emergency arise. Remember that it’s not just yourself that you need to think about; it’s also your kids with you, and of course, other drivers on the road.

Don’t Do Everything at Once

If you have small children, it’s tempting to focus your time and energy on them, leaving little room for anything else. It is important not to over-commit yourself with extraneous responsibilities, like paying bills or doing housework, that will take away from more important activities such as spending quality time with your family. To stay organized while being a stay-at-home mom, don’t do everything at once. Prioritize your most pressing tasks.

Declutter Your Home When You Can

Though it might not be fun, decluttering your home is one of those projects that requires a bit of effort but has major payoffs. Cleaning out closets and tossing clothes you don’t wear will free up space in your house and your mind for more things you enjoy. It can also help reduce stress; organizing or throwing away items you no longer need or want can make you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Embrace Technology as Much as Possible


Email, text messages, and apps can keep your life organized. Downloading a shopping list app will let you write down everything you need while you’re out running errands so that you won’t forget anything. Many people find it helpful to have multiple folders for all their tasks: one folder for those that require immediate attention, another that is just waiting around until they get more time. There are dozens of different systems and methods out there—find one that works best for you!

As a stay-at-home mom, it’s important to remain organized. The tips we’ve outlined above will help you take control of your time and keep your house in order. Stay on top of your schedule, and devise a plan for the organization, your life as a stay-at-home mom should run more smoothly than ever before.