How to Stay on Track With Your Fitness

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If one of your goals is to exercise consistently, you’re not alone. These tips will help you stay on track and achieve your fitness goals.

Hire A Fitness Trainer

Trying to stay fit and healthy is a difficult enough task as it is. A million different obstacles can derail your efforts, from a hectic work schedule to unhealthy late-night cravings. And don’t even get started on the temptations that come with socializing. It’s no wonder many people struggle to stay on track with their fitness goals.

But what if there was someone who could help you stay accountable? Someone who could tailor a workout plan specifically for you and your unique goals? Someone who could be there to encourage and motivate you when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and watch Netflix? That’s where personal trainers come in.

One of the biggest benefits of having a trainer is the accountability factor. When you know someone is waiting for you at the gym, you’re much less likely to hit snooze on your alarm or make excuses not to go.

Another great benefit of having a trainer is that they can tailor your workouts specifically for you and your goals. They will consider things like your starting fitness level, any injuries or limitations you may have, and how much time you have to devote to working out. They will then create a plan that is optimized for helping you reach your goals in the most efficient way possible. 

Working out is hard, especially when first starting out. It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results immediately, or you’re struggling to keep up with the person next to you on the treadmill. But having a trainer in your corner can help give you the boost of motivation and encouragement you need to stick with exercising. They will celebrate your accomplishments with you and help pick you up when you’re feeling down about your progress. 

Set Realistic Goals

It can be so easy to get discouraged when working towards a fitness goal. You might be putting in the time at the gym, eating healthy meals, and yet the results are slow in coming. Or, even worse, you don’t see any results at all.

When this happens, it’s tempting to just give up altogether. But before you do, ask yourself if your goals are realistic. 

The first step in setting realistic fitness goals is to figure out where you’re starting from. If you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle for years, it’s not realistic to expect that you can suddenly start running five miles a day. Instead, start with smaller goals, like walking for 20 minutes a day or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 

It’s also important to set deadlines for your goals. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds, don’t just say that you’ll do it sometime in the next year. Set a specific date when you would like to reach your goal. This will help you stay on track and motivated. 

Finally, make sure that your goals are achievable. It’s great to set lofty goals, but if they’re not achievable, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. If you’re not sure if your goal is achievable, ask your doctor or a certified personal trainer. They’ll be able to give you an idea of what’s realistic for your situation. 

Two green signs with short term and long term written on them

Create a Plan of Action

To do this, make a schedule and stick to it. One of the best ways to make sure you’re getting enough exercise is to schedule it into your week like any other appointment. Whether it’s three days at the gym or 30 minutes of walking every day, put it in your calendar and treat it like a non-negotiable commitment. 

Also, find an activity you enjoy. If you hate something, don’t force yourself to do it just because you think it’s “good for you.” There are plenty of other ways to get moving—find one that you enjoy and stick with it. You’re more likely to stick with an exercise plan if you’re doing something you actually like doing!

In addition, take things one step at a time. Trying to do too much too soon is one of the biggest reasons why people abandon their fitness plans altogether. Start small and gradually increase the intensity and frequency of your workouts as you go along—you’ll be more likely to stick with it in the long run this way. 

There’s no magic formula for staying on track with your fitness goals, but these tips will help increase your chances of success. Remember to set realistic goals, create a plan of action, and consider hiring a fitness trainer! With a little bit of dedication and effort, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.